Workers are wasting too much time trying to work with documents and it is costing businesses. Results from a global survey by IDC point to a disastrous burden being borne by businesses with inadequate document management solutions.*
Typical workers are struggling to manage their documents to the extent of US$19,732 a year per worker. Worse still, the lost time they spend trying to work with documents amounts to a 21.3% hit of the business’ total productivity.
Documents are being held and lost in a dizzying mix of places. From desktops to intranets and worse still, email attachments, workers are struggling to find and manage up-to-date documents across their devices.
Fileplan is a simple yet effective document management system. Held in a secure centralised location, workers are able to find the right documents when they need them. Best of all with no formal training, servers or other infrastructure required, it’s easy to get started.
*Source: IDC, “Bridging the Information Worker Productivity Gap: New Challenges and Opportunities in IT”, September 2012, Appendix 1